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I work on the explanation of (practical) normativity, in particular on the relation of reasons and values. I’m also interested in action theory - in understanding what intentional agency is and when we are responsible for what we do - and normative ethics (e.g., promissory obligation and normative powers, and aspects of deontology). I’m currently working on a book-length account of a value-based explanation of practical normativity and some of its implications and complexities.
I regularly teach undergraduate and postgraduate modules in ethics, metaethics and philosophy of action. I’m happy to supervise postgraduate work in any of those areas.
I'm an Associate Professor in the Philosophy Department at University College London (UCL).
Before coming to London, I was an Associate Professor at the University of Leeds and before that an Assistant Professor at the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia.
Even earlier, I've held some fixed-term positions at Columbia University, and at Barnard College, New York, as well as at Balliol College, Oxford.
I have also been a faculty fellow at the Safra Center for Ethics at Harvard University (2008-9) and at the Center for Ethics and Public Affairs at the Murphy Institute at Tulane University, New Orleans (2003-4). In 2013-14, I received a mid-career fellowship from the British Academy for a project on the normative significance of intentions. In 2014-15 I was a Guest Research Professor at the University of Vienna as part of the ERC funded project Distortions of Normativity.
Department of Philosophy, University College London, Gower Street, London WC1E 6BT
email: u[dot]heuer[at]ucl[dot]ac[dot]uk